Vasectomy Reversal or IVF, which is more successful for pregnancy?

When starting a second family, or even your first after a vasectomy it’s important to consider your options.
Many Australian families are considering trying for a family for the second time. Thousands of Australian men in particular are looking into vasectomy reversals to reverse the choice that they made years prior to their change of mind. There are many reasons why a man may choose to have a vasectomy in the first place. He may already have children and decide to opt for sterilisation with his partner, or he may have individually decided that he does not want children. No matter what the reason, there are many men who opt for a reversal down the track, usually because of a new partner that wants children or because of a change of mind.
What are my options after I’ve changed my mind?
After you’ve changed your mind and have decided to try for a family after a vasectomy you have a couple of options. A vasectomy reversal and IVF are commonly compared when it comes to having a baby after a vasectomy. IVF is the manual insertion of sperm into a ripe female egg which is performed in a laboratory. Sperm is extracted from the male who has undergone a vasectomy in a number of different ways. The alternative to this laboratory option is a vasectomy reversal which enables a much more natural impregnation. The man and the woman will still engage in intercourse, rather than the exchange of fluids being performed by a lab technician.
We perform micro-surgically inspired vasectomy reversals at Metrocentre in the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. We have one of the most advanced reversal procedures available globally, which is why we have had patients visit us from inter-state and overseas from locations such as Dubai and New Zealand. The procedure that we have in place at Metrocentre is the Owen 3-Layer Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal which was pioneered by Professor Owen – a renowned microsurgeon with decades of experience in microsurgery including some of the most intricate surgeries possible including performing the world’s first successful hand transplant.
He passed on this distinct knowledge and expertise to Dr Chris Lekich, who has performed side-by-side with Professor Owen for many years. Dr Chris Lekich is now the successor of Professor Owen and is passionate about the procedures which Dr Earl Owen passed down to him.
Is a vasectomy reversal or IVF more successful for pregnancy?
When it comes to the success rate of falling pregnant vasectomy reversals have a stronger track record. As you can see in the diagram below IVF is dependent not only on the success of the procedure but also the age of the woman, as this will decrease the effectiveness of the procedure.
What is involved in the IVF procedure?
IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilisation, and it is performed with sperm aspiration (extraction). The process involves removing the sperm and eggs, fertilising them in a laboratory and then reinserting them into the female. Often up to six embryos will be inserted as there is not a significantly high success rate. The female will be required to take fertility medication which includes hormones to regulate her ovulation. Both the extraction of eggs and sperm will be performed in minor surgical procedures.
When you compare the extremities that are involved in IVF to those involved with the vasectomy reversal procedure it’s clear that the reversal is less traumatic for the couple as a whole. Only one individual will be required to have a surgical procedure, and there will be no hormone-altering medication involved.
More about the Owen 3 Layer Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal
The Owen 3-Layer Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal procedure will involve a 2–3-hour long procedure as the intricate layers of the vas tube will need to be reconnected. This procedure performed by our doctors is precise and advanced, as it is not as simple as reattaching two ends of a tube. He will use an operating microscope with high magnification and a Xenon light source to ensure optimal visibility throughout the procedure. You can rest assured that you will be comfortable during your procedure as we use heavy twilight sedation.
Ultimately the choice is up to you when it comes to which route to take to start your new family, however, the Owen 3 Layer Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal has been performed on thousands of men with positive results.
Book an appointment with our doctors today to find out more.