Sexual activity after a vasectomy reversal

Many men ask, “Will a vasectomy reversal cause any sexual problems?” or “will sex change after a vasectomy reversal?”.

Here at Metrocentre, we understand your concerns, especially because part of the reason for getting an original vasectomy can be related to wanting to optimise the frequency of sex without the concerns of an unwanted pregnancy. The answer to these questions is no, a vasectomy reversal with Metrocentre will not alter your sexual activity in the long run. Your ability to get an erection will not be affected and the intensity of your orgasms will also stay the same.

How anatomy affects a vasectomy reversal

The part of the male anatomy that is involved in a vasectomy and vasectomy reversal is the vas deferens. This is the tube that delivers sperm into ejaculation, and when reconnected it can make it possible, once again, to have a child. The enjoyment of sex which is attributed to orgasm and the ability to get an erection is affected by a different part of the anatomy. These two occurrences are affected by the nerves that are located throughout the penis, pelvis and prostate. These are NOT operated on during a vasectomy or vasectomy reversal, only the vas deferens will be altered. At Metrocentre a minimally invasive technique is used to minimally disrupt the tissue. This surgery is inspired by our microsurgical vasectomy reversal surgery techniques Pioneer by Prof Earl Owen since the late 1960s.

During a vasectomy reversal, the vas deferens (which will have been disconnected) will be reconnected, combining sperm and ejaculate once again. So, in conclusion, a vasectomy reversal does not alter the feeling of any sexual activity, it simply changes the “formula” by re-adding sperm to the equation.

Making the decision for a vasectomy reversal

A vasectomy reversal is a big step, and a significant change of mind that should be discussed with your partner and your doctor. Your partner should discuss with you the emotional reasons behind your decision and your doctor will discuss with you both the emotional and physical reasons so that he or she is sure of your peace of mind. Making an informed decision is important during any surgical procedure, even if you have received a vasectomy in the past.

Dr Chris Lekich has performed many microsurgical vasectomy reversals and is extremely skilled and precise with his microsurgery. If you want to discuss your options about vasectomy reversals, please seek a professional opinion from Metrocentre.

What can compromise the success of a vasectomy reversal?

If you have received a vasectomy from another doctor there may be a chance that failure as a result of scarring at the join. This is one of the few things which can compromise a vasectomy reversal. The doctors at Metrocentre are extremely delicate and efficient with both our Owen 3-Layer Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversals as well as our open-ended vasectomy procedures. Dr Lekich’s training with Prof Owen was so exacting that even the microsurgical needle used (non-cutting usually used for nerve tissue) was insisted unlike vasectomy reversals performed all around the world using cutting needles. This ensures that there is minimal scarring in the bore/lumen measuring 2 to 3 hair widths in width maximising success.

Another bodily complication which can arise is blockage of the epididymis. If this occurs, then Dr Chris Lekich will perform a Bypass Epididymovasostomy (BEV) which is where the vas deferens (sperm tube) will be directly and micro-surgically connected to the epididymis (the tubes that actually store sperm). This is an extremely delicate procedure and is performed by very few microsurgical in the world. Dr Chris Lekich has been trained by Prof Earl Own – one of the great pioneers of microsurgery – who actually pioneered the bypass procedure. Dr Lekich only succeeded Prof Owen when he was confident that Dr Lekich could perform the procedure to the same degree and that it was like watching his own fingers down the microscope. So, you can rest assured, by selecting Metrocentre for your procedure that you’ll be received the highest level of care and skill. Our doctors show patients video of this bypass epididymovasostomy procedure during the consultation. Our doctors challenge patients to insist on seeing this video from any other surgeons performing vasectomy reversal surgery and that they should seek a second opinion if this surgery is not commonplace as the success rates will be limited.

Book an appointment with Metrocentre in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne or the Gold Coast today.

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Vasectomy Reversal Guide

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