Common Vasectomy concerns busted!

When it comes to vasectomy procedures there are many myths in regard to the potential side effects associated with this minimally invasive procedure.
At Metrocentre we are sharing our expertise to help bust many of the most common myths and misconceptions associated with Vasectomy procedures. Some of the most common queries we receive at our Vasectomy clinics located across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast include:
Can a vasectomy make me impotent?
A successful vasectomy procedure will not cause you to become impotent. At Metrocentre we employ a minimally invasive and highly accurate procedure called the ‘open-ended vasectomy’. This procedure has been designed to reduce the occurrence of one of the most concerning side effects associated with traditional vasectomies- post vasectomy congestion related pain. Apart from interrupting the plumbing that sperm no longer get to the outside world, the rest of the anatomy is left intact.
Will my ejaculate be the same after a vasectomy?
In short, yes. Our patients have not noted any noticeable change in the volume, colour or consistency of ejaculate after a vasectomy procedure or how far it travels at climax. An open-ended vasectomy is merely designed to prevent the sperm from mixing with the semen, therefore preventing the ejaculate from being fertile.
Will my sex drive be reduced after a vasectomy?
No physiological changes are likely after a well performed vasectomy procedure that would alter your sex drive. On the contrary, many of our patients report that their sex drive is improved as they are no longer influenced by the anxiety associated with the thought of an unplanned pregnancy.
Will my voice change after a vasectomy?
No, contrary to popular belief a vasectomy procedure will not change your hormonal composition or the sound of your voice. This does however provide a laugh for punters.
Do vasectomies cause hair loss?
Once again, rumour has it that a vasectomy procedure can contribute to premature balding. At Metrocentre we know that this is simply not true.
Will a vasectomy change the size of my testicles?
At Metrocentre we use a minimally invasive surgical technique when performing vasectomy procedures, the open-ended vasectomy. When performed by our highly skilled doctors an open-ended vasectomy procedure should cause little to no scarring, and certainly will not visibly change the size or shape of your testicles. The aim is to only interrupt the plumbing that transports the sperm and not interfere with blood vessels.
Will sex feel different after a vasectomy?
Many men are concerned that sexual activity may feel different or not as pleasurable after a vasectomy, but these concerns are unwarranted. A successful open-ended vasectomy procedure performed by our highly skilled team will not negatively impact on your ability to perform during or enjoy sexual activity. In fact, many couples have reported an improvement in their sex life now that the anxiety associated with the threat of an unwanted pregnancy has been erased.
Will I still be able to ejaculate after a vasectomy?
We find that many men have heard that they will not be able to ejaculate as normal after a vasectomy, and this is simply not true. You will still be able to ejaculate as normal after your procedure, and in fact we encourage you to do so as much as possible, with protection, during the first three months after surgery to ensure that the residual sperm is cleared as swiftly as possible from your tubes.
Will my ejaculations be as powerful after a vasectomy procedure?
In short, yes. After your open-ended vasectomy procedure, you will be able to ejaculate as normal and the velocity, trajectory and volume of your ejaculations should not be influenced.
At Metrocentre based in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast, our doctors offer the highly successful and minimally invasive open-ended vasectomy procedure.
If you are considering a vasectomy procedure it may be best to speak to our team in regard to your options, as in addition to our open-ended vasectomy micro-surgical procedure we have the ability to offer the following advantages over other clinics:
1) Consultations and procedures all within the dame day!
This benefit is offered at our Brisbane, Gold Coast Sydney and Melbourne based clinics. Your initial consultation appointment will take approximately one and a half hours, and we have a dedicated theatre meaning that you will not be required to undertake overnight hospitalisation.
2) Anaesthetic options
At Metrocentre our team uses local anaesthetic to allow our patients to drive home afterwards if required. Other anaesthetic options are available such as inhaled relaxants (although it is important to note that you will not be able to drive home after inhaled relaxant).
3) High resolution ultrasound scans.
Our doctors do not fly blind if you present with a complicated past scrotal history.
An operating microscope located in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sydney enables our doctors to precisely locate the vas to help support the delivery of a successful and minimally invasive open-ended vasectomy procedure especially where the anatomy and past history is especially complicated.
If you have any queries or concerns in regard to the vasectomy procedure offered at Metrocentre, or to arrange a consultation with our doctors, please contact us on 1800 367 636.