Vasectomy procedure vs. tubal ligation (tubes tied).

As a couple, selecting the most appropriate birth control method can be a lengthy and confusing process. If you and your partner have already had children, or are not interested in ever having a child, then you may wish to consider the more permanent forms of birth control- a vasectomy or tubal ligation.
Is a vasectomy the right choice for you?

Getting a vasectomy is a medical decision which requires a lot of planning and careful decision making.
We shed light on the most common vasectomy myths.

We know that like many other medical procedures, some information can become twisted and believed as truth. At Metrocentre we know the power of total knowledge and have decided to shed some light on some of the most common myths surrounding vasectomies.
Common Vasectomy concerns busted!

When it comes to vasectomy procedures there are many myths in regard to the potential side effects associated with this minimally invasive procedure.
Men are seeking effective vasectomy reversal procedures as a result of second partnerships.

Giddy up, this isn’t your first rodeo! Second marriages are on the rise and so is the interest in effective vasectomy reversal procedures.
Open-ended vasectomies reduce the risk of post-operation complications.

An open-ended vasectomy is one of the safest vasectomy techniques with reduced damage to microtubule congestion and is easier to reverse…
The questions you should ask yourself before you undertake a vasectomy.

When it comes to selecting an appropriate form of contraception, many men find a vasectomy procedure worth considering.
Start a conversation this world vasectomy day.

By starting a conversation, you can help bring awareness to a problem that is making worldwide issues such as global warming, poverty and war all the more complicated – Population.
Metrocentre’s Vasectomy Reversal Procedure creates another family.

Metrocentre was recently featured on, after Dr Chris Lekich performed a vasectomy reversal – inspired by the microsurgical techniques of his mentors.
Vasectomy Reversal or IVF, which is more successful for pregnancy?

When starting a second family, or even your first after a vasectomy it’s important to consider your options.