CPD Education

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CPD education for doctors

RACGP – CPD Activity
Vasectomy and Vasectomy Reversal as an alternative for hormonal based contraceptives and IVF for women. Metrocentre is partnering with Coastal Medical Services to offer an online educational webinar comparing vasectomy as an alternative for female hormonal based contraception, vasectomy reversal as an alternative for IVF, and how an open-ended vasectomy can reduce risk of Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome. The free webinar and 10 question multi-choice quiz will accrue 1 hour in Educational Activities and 0.5 hours in Reviewing Performance.

To participate, click the ‘Sign Up’ button, create a new account, and you can find the course in the ‘Home’ tab after logging in. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at info@coastalmedical.com.au.

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Vasectomy Reversal Guide

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