The 5 reasons why woman love & respect men that get a vasectomy.
- The number one reason why women love and respect their husbands or partners who get a vasectomy is that they don’t have to think about birth control anymore and their bodies can relish a well-earned rest.
- A vasectomy is also very reliable. How many of your friends and family have had their own ‘holy cow’ moment. The financial and emotional burden of an unplanned pregnancy is REAL and can have a significant impact on your life. A successful vasectomy is really only secondary to abstinence. A vasectomy done the Metrocentre way is the MOST refined. Once a vasectomy is complete and the lab results come back clear, you are good to go.
- Another reason is that a vasectomy is the only form of birth control that has ZERO side effects for a woman, and almost zero side effects for a man too. Other forms of birth control can have significant hormonal side effects for women, leaving them feeling tired, bloated, depressed… just to name a few.
- As the saying goes ‘it takes two to tango’ and there is nothing more attractive than a man stepping up and taking ownership. We think everyone agrees that it is not exclusively a woman’s responsibility to take care of birth control and given the fact that there is zero evidence to suggest that a vasectomy affects a man’s masculinity, there is nothing to lose. Ask any man that has had a vasectomy, we are sure they would be proud to boast that ‘everything is in complete working order’ and there has been no impact on their testosterone, or their sexual and ejaculatory function.
- A vasectomy is also a one-time cost. You pay for it once, and that’s it, no more ongoing expenses. It is also partly covered by Medicare – unlike other birth controls. This is not the stage of your life that you need any more extra expenses on top of the monthly bills.
Nonetheless, knowledge is power and the vehicle to any good decision making. So, let the facts speak for themselves and ask a mate what his experience was like and visit your Metrocentre vasectomy doctor, who performs this procedure day in and day out, to put you mind at ease. Stop stalling – your partner will love you for it!